Life-changing inspiration for heart-powered lives
Life-changing inspiration for heart-powered lives
Dive deep with us

Hello! We’re so glad you’re here
We’re The Oyster Sisters
The world has been our oyster. We’ve been there, done that. Invited to the White House, presented at Harvard, sung back-up vocals for the Rolling Stones and vision quested in outback Australia. Inspired hundreds of millions of people to embrace their bodies, led a high-profile Board through a public-health crisis and ignited change in thousands of leaders and workplaces all over the world.
Sure, we’ve tasted plenty of worldly success, but life has served up some tough-to-digest gritty shit too. Painful divorces, dark nights of the soul, burn-out on repeat. Now, we’re on a new adventure and we’re choosing ourselves.
We’re done with playing it safe, making nice, blending in, bowing down, bending over backwards, following the rules. We’re not here to fuck around. Dimming our light. Diminishing our value. Denying ourselves pleasure. Treading well-worn pathways. Putting ourselves last. Undermining our power.
It’s time to untether from the binds that have kept us small. Unshackle from the expectations that have cost us joy. Quit playing the game the way we’ve been told to play it. Come swim with us, we’ll show you how to choose your own adventure too!
Dr Gemma Munro, Taryn Brumfitt & Mia Handshin.

enough of the
placards & platitudes
we're here to go deep.

Are you ready for a heart-powered life?
Do you ever read pep-talky social posts about women “rising”, and find yourself wondering “but how…?”
We already know that when one woman rises, we all rise.
The question is how do we rise? How do we wade through the grit with grace? How do we dare to bare our wobbly bits?
How do we untether ourselves from pleasing, perfecting & performing? Unshackle ourselves from comparing, competing and conforming? How do we learn to love ourselves, in our realness and all our rawness?
Our Inner Shell membership is where we’ll dive deep together
and show you how to rise.
Join us and we’ll coach, champion and cheerlead you all the way home to who you really are. In your fullness, your wildness, and fully in your heart-power.
Join our Inner Shell
Our members receive
Come swim with us
We’re unleashing oceans of love
Inspiration for living a heart-powered life.
Are you ready to …

Hey you glorious human
It’s time to rise and shine
Our intuition says you’re here because something magical happened. Someone who loves you gave you a nudge to listen to our podcast or join our Inner Shell because you’re going through some gritty shit. A painful divorce or dark night of the soul? A midlife crisis of purpose? On the verge of yet-another-burnout from undervaluing your own worth?
Whatever magic happened to help you find your way here, we can’t wait for you to find even more of yourself. We’re here to swim with you, hold your hand when seas get rough, and high five you when you’re riding the waves. What does that even mean? We’re going to be your coaches, your cheerleaders and your biggest champions. With pep-talks for uplifting you, and helping you shift from “I don’t know who I am” to “I think I can…” to “here the fuck I AM!”
Our deepest wish is for you to find your wildness, feel your fullness, follow your heart and flourish in your power.
A delicacy to many
What the world says
We may not all love eating them, but oysters are pretty spesh. They turn the grit of the ocean into something truly beautiful. Their wobbly bits may seem ugly but they’re a delicacy to many, known for unleashing passion in those who consume them. Here’s what the world says about The Oyster Sisters.

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Real + Raw
- Love.
- Joy.
- Courage.
- Power.